
17) and the e8z logo appears (perhaps as a small version of our pirate flag waving... this next section _is_ the ocean... us on the high seas :)) ocean noises (-- moans :)) the user picks a direction... Nature leads up to the beach/portfolio section and ecstacy is actually the next section... you can climb back up from ecstasy to get back to nature and vice versa.... perhaps the background .jpg waves as the hair in interface1 does now... could give watery effect!

18) touching the hand of you choice turns it to a fist 'grabbing' you and moving you... upward to the nature beach (meaning in navigating this section you only scroll up or down while over the corresponding hand, once you have reached either destination you can stay there but if you are in between and roll off (let go of the hand) you sink or float back to the center.... is this possible?)

19) the beach contains... items which are links -- shells, flowers(!), plants, treasure chest(?), insects... can be anything... lets fill it together. small hand at the bottom of the screen awaits to return you to the ocean and then to ecstasy - just click to be lead back down.

20) the journey down should become dark. maybe there are not only underwater sounds but a heartbeat or breathing steadily becoming louder the deeper you go.

21) darkness is endless :) no seriously you end up in another section down here. you are in ecstasy.


22) I was thinking... maybe the distinction in the ocean is - up on the beach are the more commercial projects (like hpru) and down in ecstacy are our more artistic projects (like skin) or maybe the ecstasy has nothing at all to do with work?... anyway, this section starts with my hair and some animated gifs looking very much like glittering stars twinkling on and off...

23) I know i said something about keyboard interactivity because that seemed so apropriate at the time (still does conceptually) but in making this interface maybe the best thing is to limit our concept to touch.


24) After ECSTASY we close the door (fig a.) The background from the beginning of genesis comes back in two halves representative of the structure to come... when its fully closed (fig b.)the little glow from before shows for a moment while the business categories appear at the top.... then the background fades down (or goes away entirely?)

25) The content in this section is organized and navigated much like the 'faces' demo you made each biz category brings up half of us me represented on the left you on the right. (two halves of the same thing... separated but one at the same time...) The bio page brings up our names when the faces meet in the center (fig a. I realize we will probably have to do this with HTML text but oh well) then of course when a name is selected the info comes up... maybe the name goes away altogether while the text is there? don't matter. (fig b.) philosophy section... i am a glowing sunball and you, of course, are the moon my dear... very romantic :-) but our philosophy appears in the center going over both sides two orbs one philosophy.... this last one (fig c.) the contact page... just an email link is fine i think but if you think there should be more here feel free to put it in. I was thinking the hands from the beginning could be used again my hand passes over your hand when we touch the email address comes up.